This post reminds me of an experience I had out in service one time
Back when I was in high school my best friend and I were going from door to door one Saturday morning. Neither of us had really prepared well but we had been going out in service and talking at the doors since the first grade so we could usually just wing it.
We knocked on the first door and a woman answered. My friend started talking about world conditions (of course) and he featured one of the typical articles in the Watchtower that highlighted some timely topic that showed how deep into the time of the end we were (this was back in 1974 by the way).
There was an oil shortage going on and there were long lines at gas stations all over the country and after the woman agreed that world conditions indeed looked pretty bad, my friend said very earnestly:
" And along with the Watchtower, we are also offering it's companion magazine the Awake which features many thought provoking articles such as this one, Kop-ping With Seenus Trouble."
The woman and I looked at each other and we both burst out laughing. She said with a smirk " Um...I think you meant to say "Coping With Sinus Trouble" my dear.
She and I were laughing but my friend was mortified because it was so obvious that he had come to her door to recommend that she read a magazine that he hadn't bothered to read himself. There was no coming back from this one....the woman closed the door and we got in his car and got the heck out of there.
Back in the car he exclaimed "Pete....we are the WORST example of Witnesses EVER !!! Why the do they have to have such stupid articles in these damn magazines???? Why are there two magazines and why would anyone who wasn't a JW want to read them??? I barely want to read them !!!
We both agreed how ridiculous it was to be offering two magazines full of JW specific information in them. Somehow we both continued being JW's well into adulthood. He eventually left when he was in his late 30's or early 40's after his JW wife cheated on him and he saw the religion from behind the scenes for the first time and realized that the Elders in his hall were a bunch of buffoons who weren't being directed by anyone.
For years afterward, whenever he was being a bit too cocky or full of himself I'll I had to do was say to him " Kop-ping With Seenus Trouble" and it would put him in his place...he still cringes at the very thought of it.